Thursday, August 22, 2019

Why hunting is positive for the environment Essay Example for Free

Why hunting is positive for the environment Essay Hunting can be used in many different ways that all have a positive effect on the environment. Hunting is helpful in many positive ways to keep the environment clean and healthy. Hunting has been used since the beginning of time and has always been here. Throughout the years, there have been many different groups of people that are pro-hunting and many different groups that have been against hunting. Since hunting began, many of the people who are pro-hunting has kept the environment clean and healthy. Hunting has many positive effects on the environment that are beneficial. Some of these benefits include but are not limited to the large economic benefit to the wildlife conservation through hunting equipment taxes, hunting license sales, and usage fees. Other benefits of hunting is all the money that is spent yearly by hunters on equipment, hunting trips, and guide services. Hunters also contribute highly to keeping the environment clean and healthier by donating and contributing large sums of time and money to hunter run conservation groups that work to help increase natural wildlife habitats and populations (Hunting Benefits 1). An environment that is considered to be â€Å"good† would be one that involves situations of activities that maintain wildlife at current levels. Which means hunting is positive for the environment because the hunting community helps ensure that the wildlife populations of all the different types of game is kept in good conditions and can be proven to survive from this generation to the next (Gibbons 1). This means that hunters have to keep a variety of natural habitats to be kept intact, unpolluted, and undisturbed by unnatural forces. All of which hunters support these efforts (Gibbons 1). Wildlife hunting in all aspects plays a major role in helping keep the environment as clean and natural as possible; therefore, hunting should be permitted with rules and regulations. Hunting has helped the environment financially. Hunting benefits the environment financially by providing many different ways to help raise money to help keep the environment clean and natural. An environment that is considered to be â€Å"good† would be one that involves situations of activities that maintain wildlife at current levels. Which means hunting is positive for the environment because the hunting community helps ensure that the wildlife populations of all the different types of game is kept in good conditions and can be proven to survive from this generation to the next (Gibbons 1). This means that hunters have to keep a variety of natural habitats to be kept intact, unpolluted, and undisturbed by unnatural forces. All of which hunters support these efforts (Gibbons 1). Keeping natural habitats as clean, natural, and undamaged as possible is a very important fact of having a sustainable place to hunt. Hunters are not the only people that are looking for environments clean and healthy like these. By providing ecosystems like these from hunting, it brings more revenue from other activities to help the natural world. Some of these activities include ecologists dependency on the environments for research. Hikers, bird-watchers, and wildflower viewers prefer habitats that are uncontaminated and full of wild living things (Gibbons 1). Even though most hunters and other groups do not prefer to share the same habitats, it gives an immense variety of wildlife seekers to have a common goal of healthy outdoors (Gibbons 2). Many people who are against hunting provide different ways that hunting is negative but hunting provides very strong financial aid to keeping the environment healthy. Hunting not only provides a way for natural food, but also gives much financial aid to having clean ecosystems. â€Å"The money hunters spend on their hunting licenses is pumped back into programs that help protect and enhance wildlife and the environment. If hunting is well regulated, as sports or recreational involvement, there are no major affects to the species, if anything it may help bring back species from the edge of extinction. Many wildlife managers view sport hunting as the principal basis for protection of wildlife (Blogspot 1). † The money that hunters have spent on the items that they buy to use to hunt is put back into organizations that help benefit the environment. Regulated hunting has more of a positive effect on the environment than it does detrimental and actually helps animal populations as a form of protection. â€Å"Hunting is a business in and of itself; in 2001 alone 13 million people in the U. S. went hunting and spent more than 20 billion dollars (Hunting Benefits 2). † This is stating that left alone, hunting is a highly successful and lucrative business. Hunting has benefited the environment sanitarily. Many different types of hunting cover nearly all ecosystems, keeping them natural and safe. There are many different organizations that work to keep the environment clean from pollution and other harmful things. Many hunters volunteer and work independently to keep the environment safe and clean. Hunters do more than just kill animals, they keep the environment safe for everyone including the animals. Hunting is one of the most effective ways to a clean environment. â€Å"This negative view of hunter’s ethics is wrong; in reality hunting is an essential conservation tool (Hunting Benefits 3). † If hunting were to be illegal, the world would lose one of the biggest conservation tools it has to offer. Hunting has helped benefit the environment by keeping the populations of animals in balance. On a national average, nearly 1. 5 million deer are hit every year causing billions of dollars in damage to vehicles and making insurances rise (Deer 1). When there is an overpopulation of deer or other animal in the woods, they begin to move out of their home in search for food. This could mean either going out of the area in the woods that they live in and going to other parts and staying out of human contact or as what has occurred before is the animals moving into areas that are populated by humans and being killed and causing accidents. By hunting the deer and keeping their populations in check, it helps keep the deer from migrating out of their forest homes and wandering into suburban areas in search for food (Deer 1). This is potentially dangerous for humans because when accidents begin to happen by hitting the deer, people can either be seriously injured or killed in some cases. With the proper rules and regulations in place, wildlife hunting plays a major role to help keep the environment clean, healthy, and as natural as possible. Killing animals for sport or just to be able to hang trophies on the wall is cruel and unethical. By killing animals for food and to keep the populations in balance is a good thing and keeps a healthy food chain in the environment. Hunting can help benefit the environment in many different ways. It keeps it clean and prosperous.

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